DAY 1: SATURDAY, December 4th 2021– 1pm TO 5pm EST
You will learn to recognize spirit in everyday life and be able to connect to your most powerful guide… Your Higher Self. Through both small and large group I will teach you techniques to calm your mind and open up to the subtle realm of spirit. I will introduce you to the difference between vibrations so you can directly feel the presence of your spirit helpers and understand their messages. Finally, I will show you how to clear away all that interferes with your ability to tune into these beautiful divine helpers.
DAY 2: SUNDAY, December 5th, 2021 – 1pm TO 5pm EST
From movement to meditation, day 2 offers a little bit of everything. You will be guided through a profound meditation that immediately transport you to the spirit realm. I will teach you how to learn to recognize and apply particular guides when help is needed. You will personally feel connected with your guides as well as be shown ways to deepen your connection on a daily basis. You will learn how to allow the loving forces of the Universe, work alongside you, so that they can lead you, step by step, into an easy daily flow.
Total registration fee is $462.
Seats available – 33