
Power of Spirit

(5 customer reviews)

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $89.00.

Calling Your Spirit Home to Heal Your Life in the Next 30 Days

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The Power of Spirit is a 30-day course designed to open the door to the most empowered authentic part of yourself.

Just because we are Divine spirit beings doesn’t necessarily mean we know how to live in this truth, especially since we’ve been indoctrinated in so many ways to believe we are anything buy holy.

We actually have to re-learn how to connect to and follow our spirit before we begin to access its power.

This 3-hour online course will train you how to do it!

Are you ready to switch your frequency?

Each visually appealing and stimulating lesson (31 total) averages 6 minutes in length. It is recommended that you work through a lesson a day for 30 days. The great thing about the course is that it is yours for life, so you can work through it at your own pace, when and where you want for life!

This Course Will Help You…

  • Connect you with your divine spark
  • Feel rejuvenated and focused
  • Open your intuitive eye
  • Focus on developing your connection to the world
  • Create joy and peace in your life

This Course Includes:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS – The course is yours forever. Plus you can retake it as many times as you wish. Cool?
  • RISK-FREE GUARANTEE – Join us for 30 days. If you feel there is no value we’ll happily refund you.
  • VIDEO LESSONS – 31 videos! It is recommended that you work through a lesson a day for 30 days.

5 reviews for Power of Spirit

  1. Kassy Keys

    Power of Spirit online course
    I just absolutely love this online course… I can watch it at my leisure and look forward to each new video..and put into the practice the teachings straight away.. I must say I loved seeing Sonia live in Sydney in August..but this online course keeps the enthusiasm up and has made a big difference in my daily life..I am noticeably alot lighter in Spirit and laugh more and love my life more… An Awakening happened in me after listening to Sonia speak.. Thankyou thankyou

  2. Kathryn Read

    I LOVE IT!
    Hi Sonia, I just wanted to give you some feedback on your POS class. I finished Day 9 on Friday which was Give yourself a Gift. Today walking into a home improvement store, I saw some flowers that caught my eye. I decided I was going to gift myself one. I said outloud to my husband, I’m getting myself one and he picked the one I had in my mindseye of buying. When I went by the service desk that cashier told us we could check out there instead of walking to the other end of the store to check out. I told her, thank you, it was my lucky day! She smiled at me. Then when she went to scan my plant, she said “this really is your lucky day, you can have it for free… our scanner isn’t registering it”. You were absolutely right… when you follow your spirit, the Universe rewards. I got the plant that my spirit wanted and it was given to me for FREE!!!! I LOVE IT! My husband just smiles at me and says he doesn’t know how I do it… This is the third time this has happened to me in the last month or so. I told him it’s as simple as getting into the flow of life. I love it! Thank you for being such a fantastic teacher. I am 28 years old and have 30 employees under me at the moment. I am not doing my “dream” job, but I know this is the platform that I have right now and I believe in it entirely. I hope to be the inspiration you are in this world and help make even the smallest difference I can by giving my employees the respect and good jobs they deserve! Thank you thank you thank you! =)

  3. Kelli Hatley

    Simple and Powerful
    I am only on Day 3, but I am loving this work. I think Sonia mentioned in a teleconference we all have all these books and things we think we should be doing. This is so simple, and so short, and the lessons are so practical and empowering. I am a new fan of Sonia, and very grateful for this work, because I’m actually doing itl The lessons speak to your soul, and are very enriching and helpful. Thank You Sonia!

  4. Kevin

    Even if you’re not sure it will work….
    I got this course a few months ago when it was on sale and that’s the only reason I did. As usual I wanted big things to result from it but didn’t really believe it was possible. But I did the course anyways- nothing to lose. It took me a few month, I did it at my own pace (it says 30 days, doesn’t say they have to be consecutive 🙂 You don’t really expect a little exercise to have any effect but then it does. And add up all the little exercises and you’re suddenly a bit shocked at how much life can change The biggest lesson I take away from this course is that small changes made with Spirit are not proportional to the effects in the “outer world”- the effects are actually exponential. If a small change can do that, think what fully opening to Spirit can accomplish – there’s literally nothing to lose. Thank you Sonia

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