
5 Weeks to Forgiveness

(13 customer reviews)

Original price was: $179.00.Current price is: $97.00.

A Guide to Genuine Healing & Inner Peace

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Most people agree that forgiveness is one of the most empowering and healing things to both give and receive, and they want to be able to experience this blessing and freedom for themselves. And yet, as we all know, there is a big difference between the desire to forgive, and the ability to actually do so…and with it fully and deeply achieve a deep healing inner state of being.

Faced with my own painful experiences and the need to forgive in order to reclaim my own peace, I have devoted myself non-stop to learning HOW to forgive in a genuine and lasting way. It wasn’t easy, but the tools and practices I came to know did finally bring me the most profound healing and inner freedom I could ever hope for. And now I want to share these tools with you.

Because the need to forgive and be free lies in so many people’s hearts I have assembled the most effective tools of forgiveness that helped heal my broken heart and personal pain and created this easy to follow course so that I may help you achieve inner peace and freedom from pain as well.

What I came to learn above all, when it came to forgiveness, is that the ability to forgive is not achieved with lofty thoughts or intentions alone. It comes about by engaging several few practical and grounded tools over a matter of weeks that release your body, mind, and soul, from the trapped wounding energy that has caused you to feel so much pain and then be able to replace it with new healing energy instead.

As you apply these tools, you will build a new foundation of loving energy to draw from, one that supports your authentic self and fills you up from the inside with this powerful renewed life force and with that the old wounding energy is naturally released and forgiven along the way.

I offer this course in support of your inner peace, because I know it will work!

All My Love,

You Can Find Forgiveness…

  • Learn tools to free the painful trapped energy stuck in your body
  • Tap into your true and authentic nature and finally experience the self- love and self-care that naturally protects you from future soul injury and pain
  • Learn powerful techniques for preventing you from getting trapped or stuck in the hurtful past which causes more pain to you and others in the present
  • Discover tools for tapping into the deep well of inner compassion within you so lasting healing can begin now
  • Forgive everyone, everything, every time!

This Course Includes:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS – The course is yours forever. Plus you can retake it as many times as you wish. Cool?
  • RISK-FREE GUARANTEE – Join us for 30 days. If you feel there is no value we’ll happily refund you.
  • VIDEO LESSONS – Watch 18 videos with over 2 hours of teaching content.
  • VISUAL JOURNEY – Receive the Visual Journey to the heart video.
  • GUIDED MEDITATIONS – Download 2 never before released grounding meditations.
  • PRAYER GUIDE – Listen to a prayer to guide you through the course.

13 reviews for 5 Weeks to Forgiveness

  1. Christopher Marsala (verified owner)

    Sonia Choquette has been one of my top go-to intuitive coaches and psychic healers the past two years, and I’m duly blessed and impressed with 5 Weeks To Forgiveness. I’ve only just finished Week 1, and I’m already noticing internal and external shifts in my personal life with my ability to release, let go, and make forgiveness a “grounded” practice, rather than an intellectual one. Her meditations are beautiful, and–as always–she possesses a grace and gentle presence that makes opening up one’s heart and shifting into a higher vibration of joy and peace not only possible, but a reality. I love you, Sonia, and thank you for creating this class! 🙂

    All My Love,

  2. Liah Holtzman

    Evolving Human Being
    Sonia’s forgiveness course is very valuable. She is knowledgeable, kind, succinct and clear in what and how she shares herself and her wisdom. I believe one of the wisest things a spiritual person can do is to learn as much about forgiveness as possible and receive support in their forgiveness process. I recommend this course.

  3. Michelle Shiers

    5 weeks to Forgiveness (and peace)
    This course came to me at a time when my marriage of 20 years had ended and I was in a place where I recognized this was the next step for me to completely start to move on. I wanted to be rid of the anxiety, anger, betrayal and the emotional roller coaster I couldn’t seem to get off of for very long. I fell in love with everything abut Sonia, her delivery, her voice, her gentleness and most of all easy to understand and well thought out messages in the segments that are done at your own speed. I have used her techniques when a situation comes up and my anxiety may start to rise and I can easily see through them and recognize the lesson and get myself out of old habits QUICKLY. The meditations included in this course are some of the BEST guided meditations I’ve ever done, that have completely taken me to new places! This is my first time with her work and I can say that I’m hooked. If your thinking about doing this course, it probably came to you for a reason! Do it.

  4. Elaine

    With much to heal, I am moving slowly with this material, but Sonia’s first lesson offers compassionate guidance. Listening to the first Forgiveness Meditation and the Forgiveness Prayer, I can feel my heart open as I am held in loving support, allowing myself to receive. It is a deeply moving and wonderful experience, and I believe I will find freedom in this practice.

  5. Crystal

    5 Weeks to Forgiveness
    This course is an absolute Blessing. I am not trying to finish it in 5 weeks…I am taking my time, incorporating each lesson as a life-long practice. Often, I play each lesson over again, a few times for a week or more. Really “checking in” to how I am progressing. Truly, so many of these resonate with me on SUCH a deep level and make SO much sense….I did not have anything “pressing” that I was feeling I needed to forgive anyone for, it was more of a recognition that trauma’s through life had never been properly dealt with. Sonia gives you the tools to let go of what you know needs to be released and also to unearth what you may have forgotten (or not even realized) you had buried. Many Thanks to you Sonia for all that you do, your Light shines so very bright!

  6. Annette

    Five weeks to forgiveness
    I am a big fan of Sonia’s and have read several of her books, the most recent being Walking Home which detailed her Camino pilgrimage. I have had a recurring and comforting memory of walking a a dirt road leading I don’t know where. I am looking into doing my own mini camino. Forgiveness is truly the only thing that will set us free and Sonia in such a down to earth manner takes us through the steps to begin doing that. For me lessons 4and 5 Noticing the wounds and Moving the energy immediately bought a lot of emotion to the surface. I would highly recommend this course as well as any of her books to anyone who is on their own spiritual journey and wants to connect to their higher Self.

  7. Mary Calvillo

    Flight Attendant AND NYR Organic Independent Consultant
    I am in week one…I love the connection to my heart, vs. my head. I love the shift in mindset from spirit coming in from outside in the meditation to filling up from within my heart! As always, Sonia just speaks to me, so I am loving this program. I Have believed that if I forgive I will be hurt again, so I look forward to learning to see it differently and releasing the pattern of withholding forgiveness!

  8. Jennifer

    Beautiful Process
    If you feel any inner prompting to take this course, I highly recommend you do! I had no clear mental idea of why I signed up for this course, but WOW its wonderful. I love the lessons and meditations! I recently read Sonias new book Walking Home: A Pilgrimage from Humbled to Healed and highly recommend it in addition to this course. Ive been walking my own Camino in my neighborhood, and its been an incredibly transformative process. Ive appreciated having Sonia as a guide on my journey. Heartfelt thank you!

  9. Andrea

    5 weeks to healing, liberating & loving forgiveness
    This course has guided me towards finding forgiveness for myself and for others. For me, it consists of a deeply touching and genuinely healing series of helpful, heartfelt, and liberating messages, speaking directly to my spirit. Sonias messages, meditations, and prayer have lightened my psychic and emotional load of hurt remarkably. The course helps me heal, forgive, and free myself of the heavy imprints of the past. I particularly appreciate Sonias courage to talk about some of her own hurtful experiences. Recalling her own way of learning the lessons and lovingly passing them on makes the course particularly authentic and considerable to me. You can feel that Sonia has gone through all of the forgiveness work herself, which has made me even more ready. Throughout the program, her loving support helps me revisit and continue my own forgiveness process, resisting the temptation to simply give up. I feel humbled. Being acutely aware of my spirits beauty, power, and ability to create forgiveness right now, I gratefully and confidently recommend this wonderful course to everybody who has any fundamental wounding to forgive!

  10. Batia

    Thank You for sharing your Brilliance
    I loved your vibe at your visit to Melbourne last year, and yes I became a fan. This course has allowed me to remember what we all know deep inside and a timely reminder that we need to use these knowings. Fabulous delivery and content. Put simply….LOVE your work.

  11. Jodi Johnson

    So Much Content!
    Love this course! Sonia is amazing – the course is presented in easily understood sections. I can always find time to do 7 minutes! Although the lesson stays in your thoughts most of the day then 🙂 The amount and depth of the material even in those tiny bites is just astounding. The meditations opened me to new thoughts like never before. It’s one of Sonia’s best creations. Thank you !

  12. Charlotte

    Pharma industry
    Yet another wonderful course from Sonia. The lessons are clear and still very precise and useful. I always look forward to the next lesson. Sonia has an easy and a very natural way of communicating something extremely difficult. I especially like the prayer that comes with the course. I can only give this course my best recommendations.

  13. Elizabeth

    Five weeks to forgiveness online course
    Great course, Sonia makes it easy to use and I look forward to each new lesson, my favorite item so far is the beautiful prayer she has recorded as part of the package. The timing of this being available was perfect for me.

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