
True Balance – Remedies for Healing Your Life

(15 customer reviews)

Original price was: $189.00.Current price is: $79.00.

A Complete Program for Bringing Your Life Into Balance. Plus now receive a personal message of divine support and reassurance directly from Sonia. /p>

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Balancing Your Chakras is one that will resonate with everyone who feels over-scheduled, overworked, and overwhelmed.

True Balance is a powerful, yet easy to use course, that will help you move through life’s sticky points. A Common Sense Guide for Renewing Your Spirit and Specific Remedies for Your Soul.

Now more than ever this course will help guide you and keep you grounded. If your goals for yourself aren’t being met and deep inside your heart there’s an empty void, you’ve probably been looking in the wrong places for a solution.

You see, when most people have a problem they run to others for help including teachers, therapists, parents, and friends. But that’s not the place to find solutions.

The answers are hidden deep within you. And I’m going to show you the simple ways to uncover them and claim your truth. I have made the goal of balancing your life simple to obtain and in just a moment, you’ll find out why I’m so excited about this course.
I’m Going to Personally See You Through From Beginning to End!

This Course Will Help You…

  • Learn how to feed your energy body to give you balance in your life
  • Activate your creativity and imagination
  • Open your heart to give and receive love
  • Create and set healthy boundaries
  • Connect to your inner vision to help create the life you want

This Course Includes:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS – The course is yours forever. Plus you can retake it as many times as you wish. Cool?
  • RISK-FREE GUARANTEE – Join us for 30 days. If you feel there is no value we’ll happily refund you.
  • VIDEO LESSONS – Watch over 3 hours of video lessons.
  • VISUAL JOURNEY – Receive True Balance Wisdom Flash – A Journey of Peace.
  • GUIDED MEDITATION – Brand New Energetic Chakra Meditation.
  • AUDIOS – Download 9 True Balance audio songs.
  • CHAKRA BALANCING REMEDY GUIDE – Over 75 creative ideas for healing your energy imbalances, easily read with over 40 downloadable pages!
  • PERSONAL ENERGETIC ASSESSMENT – Sonia will look at your strengths and weaknesses so you can improve your balance. Yes! Once enrolled you’ll have direct access to Sonia via the course.
  • BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE – Your life will – bit by bit – start to get grounded.

15 reviews for True Balance – Remedies for Healing Your Life

  1. Julie Rossiter (verified owner)

    Just starting this course to balance my Chakra System. Sonia explains everything so well, in a way that is easy to understand and remember. It almost feels like I‘m in the class live because when I do the exercises there is a feeling of real change and wellbeing.
    Thank you Sonia for all the knowledge you share with us.

  2. Kathie borbet (verified owner)

    During these troubling times of fear and uncertainty, this is the exact Course we need. Sonia teaches with a calming presence that is easily absorbed into the brain. We all need balance in our life, especially now.

  3. Richard Bukowski (verified owner)

    Balancing the chakras helps to keep me in the body. What’s extra good about the chakra practice is that it allows you to develop other personality skills. This is a like Jung’s individuation. By connecting bodily desires with goals we can become more whole. I still have a long way to go. I’m an INFP and I’m pretty sure Sonia is an ENFJ or INFJ. That means she’s helping me with shadow functions that are very weak. The Yellow I Decide in particular, will require repeated viewings.

  4. Lisa Marguerite Mora

    Really excellent. Thorough information, easy to follow. Comforting, loving and the practices work! <3

  5. Diane Adams

    business owner
    I am loving this course!! Sonia has such a beautiful and gentle way of guiding and teaching. I am looking forward to having True Balance in my life!!

  6. Sandy

    True Balance Online Course
    This is a wonderful course! The elements including videos and self-reflection exercises allow for a thorough understanding of the chakras and most importantly finding balance. I’m feeling ‘at home’and grateful. Sonia has a beautiful energy and she is masterful in her delivery.

  7. Yanira

    Just what I was looking for
    Thank you! Thank you! This is exactly the information I was needing. I feel more balanced and peaceful now that I’m using your tools. You were completely accurate regarding the chakras that needed more focus and that insight helped tremendously. So grateful for your energy and your gifts.

  8. Teresa

    Truly balanced now!
    Thankyou Sonia for this enjoyable & thorough education on how, where & when I can embrace & renew my energetic body to benefit my physical body, soul & spirit. You are very easy to follow along and I am grateful for all the info you share as I love learning about the energetic body & the subtleness in healing. Each chakra meditation enhanced my wellbeing. Feeling back to balance, as my energy is inline with my truth. I use these tools all the time now. It was very nice to be intuitively assessed so accurately by you, your recommendations assisted greatly. Thankyou XO

  9. adry

    Sonia is generous with her knowledge, practical with her teachings and inspiring with her attitude! Love the course!!!!! It is giving me so many answers and solutions! Thank you!!!!!

  10. Svetlana

    True Balance online course
    I absolutely love this course. I also bought book True Balance and together with this course you have complete information about chakras and how to balance them in a most easy and profound way. The assessment from Sonia was very accurate to confirm what I already knew as well as new information on which chakra needs to be balanced that I wasn’t aware of. Looking forward to be more balanced.

  11. Kim

    A lovely course I have taken several from Sonia. This is utterly my favorite. It resonates on many levels. Being a physical person – the practices with chakras work for me. The shifts are wonderful, healing, and nurturing. A joy. I would recommend this practice and teaching to anyone – what a gift to feel within oneself and opening to what is for all of us. The Buddha would say that Buddha’s only show the way – but we must go ourselves – this course is a wonderful tool to open personal practice and balance within. And yes there are all manner of beings and energy available to assist us – its learning the tools to do so. If I had one wish – it would be to have the mudras on paper w/the guide – but that’s me. All is well! All the very best! Keep up the wonderful work.

  12. Jude McColm

    A Fantastic Course
    This is such a fantastic course! I feel like I have done everything backwards! Which is usually how things happen for me. I feel like I should have completed this course first but anyway! I spent about a week on the base chakra then a week on the second chakra and have noticed amazing changes. I am far more grounded and centred. I feel a lot more confident within myself and in my abilities. I have expanded my ability to feel and identify my emotions as they arise and how they relate to different parts of my body. I find it easier to be in my body instead of out there somewhere and it has also been easier for me to articulate my feelings with people when I would have previously withheld. I have been able to release a lot of stored anger and resentment in a calm and graceful manner and have come out the other side with loving gratefulness for all that is in my life. Thank you for creating this easy to use, simple course and I look forward to expanding my awareness as I work through the other chakras.

  13. Yiye Zhang

    Simple, refreshing and powerful!
    As always, this course is simple, refreshing and powerful! I enjoyed the songs so much too! Sonia’s intuitive accessment was spot on, helped me to move forward without draining myself. It’s highly recommended if you have many passions/ideas, feel run down at times.

  14. Margaret

    Excellent! Fresh and enlightening approach to balance your life.
    Sonia makes this course easy for us. All of the information you need is presented in a manner that you can easily understand and utilize immediately into your life. There is also a printable workbook included with additional information as well as questions for you to answer after each section. Do take the time to use this workbook. You will be enlightened by the answers that come to you. Very worthwhile course and great price.

  15. Ann

    Balanced Approach to Being Balanced
    True Balance is a great guidebook and road map to keeping your energy system tuned-up. Choquette offers practical solutions to common imbalances within our seven major energy centers. The book provides anecdotes and references to keep your balance just right. Whether you are slightly to severley “off” , True Balance is the course to steer you back. An excellent resource as part of a regular mind-body well-being practice. Grounded, comforting, and based on the author’s years of experience with people from all walks of life. A must for those who are sensitive to energy and/or work with lots of people on a regular basis.

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