
Card Decks for Beginners

(41 customer reviews)

Original price was: $129.00.Current price is: $44.00.

This basic course was created by Sonia Choquette so you can learn how to use Oracle Cards for personal guidance. This course applies to any card deck, not just Sonia’s.

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We often talk about the fact that YOU are the MASTER you are seeking, and we mean it. All the creativity, answers to current dilemmas and guidance for decisions are within you. One of the easiest and accessible ways to tap into your inner guidance is through the ancient divination technique of tarot cards.

This profound system comes from pre-Egyptian culture and was designed to allow a physical means to tap into the metaphysical. For centuries, people have used the tarot to help them gain access to spiritual knowledge and explore universal truths. The great thing is you don’t have to be spiritually inclined to get something out of the tarot. Anyone can do it! Yet it also greatly adds to any spiritual practice once you understand the ins and outs.

Sonia Choquette is one of the top intuitive counselors on the planet, her ability to tune in is second to none, and in this program, she is going to teach you this very same gift of personal intuition through the oracle of tarot.

When you need assistance in any given moment, through this program you now have the means to gain the deepest of insights into any situation. Once you learn how to work with the decks, you create your own languaging and relationship with them.

No matter what card deck you are working with, when you learn to approach them correctly, it all makes sense.

This course will teach you…

  • How to use and handle the cards
  • Preparation for working with the cards
  • What different decks are and how to use them
  • The gift of interpretation
  • What insights the cards are delivering
  • How to give readings to others
  • How to access that place of divination within you
  • What the cards can and can’t do

Sonia will teach you how to attract more guidance into your life, how the cards can uplift and inform you and how you can go deeper into your spiritual practice all by using card decks. AND you can even help your family and friends.

This Course Includes:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS – The course is yours forever. Plus you can retake it as many times as you wish. Cool?
  • RISK-FREE GUARANTEE – Join us for 30 days. If you feel there is no value we’ll happily refund you.
  • VIDEO LESSONS – Watch 45 minutes of video content.
  • WORKBOOK – A 15-page workbook designed to help you advance your education of the card decks.
  • FREE CARD READING – Sonia will pull a card from one of her decks for you and give you a mini reading on how that card applies to you.
  • CARD DECK SHIPPED DIRECTLY TO YOU! – Thats right, all orders today includes a shipped Ask Your Card deck

41 reviews for Card Decks for Beginners

  1. Manuela Walter (verified owner)

    I am very happy with my purchase, and I am a beginner in trying to do readings for myself. I appreciate, how quickly the cards arrived, it was just awesome. Thank you!

  2. Vivienne Wit (verified owner)

    This course comes with an overview of how to read cards, and many great pointers. I really like the additional ideas for questions/alternate spreads in the download. But all the extra bonuses are REALLY exciting! I am using the cards almost daily, and I love the accompanying book, thank-you! I have not yet requested the one-card reading (am saving that). This course is offered at an incredible value, you will be very happy with all the you receive. Thank-you!

  3. Sandeep Kumar D (verified owner)

    Really appreciated

    When I am thinking about life I got some of messages with my unknown source. After learning about Card Decks. I have selected the cards and readed the card message. What I am presently this card decks are giving me best positive response. Thank you very much.

  4. Mercedes McShane (verified owner)

    Excellent! This is my first time with anything like this. I’ve watch the videos to make sure I’m doing it correctly. So far it was right on. I don’t ask a question every night. But I make sure to shuffle them every night. I’m trulying enjoying them. I pick up on alot of vibes. So it helps to back some of them up. I’m not interested in doing anymore else regarding but my own. Thank you.

  5. Mercedes McShane (verified owner)

    Excellent! This is my first time with anything like this. I’ve watch the videos to make sure I’m doing it correctly. So far it was right on. I don’t ask a question every night. But I make sure to shuffle them every night. I’m trulying enjoying them. I pick up on alot of vibes. So it helps to back some of them up. I’m not interested in doing anymore else regarding but my own. Thank you Mercedes Mcshane

  6. Michelle Weick (verified owner)

    I absolutely love my new cards for beginners, they are very easy to read. I do recommend them and the beginner course.

  7. Joan Hoedel (verified owner)

    This course was excellent. I finally understand the gift of oracle cards, and why they were made out to be ‘satanic’. Having grown up in a very religious home, and yet being naturally intuitive I was both drawn to and repelled by oracle cards. As I watched this short course, I was able to see that conflicting belief for what it was and let it go. I feel so excited to add this sacred tool to my conversations with Spirit, thanks to Sonia’s explanations and invitation. I highly recommend this course.

  8. haleybarlow (verified owner)

    After initially seeking connection with my guides, I got a tarot card deck as a fun activity I could do to bring me closer to them. Little did I know about the versatility they encompassed! This course is an excellent interpretation for someone seeking a deeper understanding of tarot decks and readings. Sonia is a visionary, delivering special messages to individuals that are willing to receive them. She fundamentally shares her belief that “sixth sense” is something we all have within us. I’m extremely interested in her work, and her gift to communicate ancient enigmas!

  9. Aida Lopez (verified owner)

    I found the course insightful and helpful. I like the way Sonia introduces the students to the oracle cards and their history and an authentic way of using the cards. I also really like the information and the spreads in the PDF, which help you practice and hone your skills with oracle (and the tarot) cards. I hope she offers a part II…hint hint, Sonia!

  10. lisegeaufroy (verified owner)

    An interesting course for beginners. I feel more confident using my own cards now, how to shuffle the cards, to place the cards, to pick them…etc. I enjoyed it a lot, although I would love to watch parts 3 and 4 before writing a definitive review.

  11. robin.thomas2 (verified owner)

    I purchased this program but was only able to do course 1 and 2. It shows there is a 3 and 4 but have been unable to access it and have asked for assistance with no response. I liked what the first 2 courses talked about and have tried some of the card decks your recommend but would like to finish the course and then will update my review.
    Thank You

  12. Valerie Rippel

    I love the oracles and have searched for someone or books to help me in reading them. I decided to try Sonia’s Card Decks for Beginners online course and I now know what I’m doing, I think. Sonia makes it easy to understand, she teaches that it is easy, I’ve had others try to explain but they go too deep and make it hard to understand. Sonia makes it uncomplicated. Anyone wanting to learn, this is the course to start with and end with. It’s not hard. Love this lady.

  13. Silvia

    Insightful Course
    I really enjoy the course. Sonia is very informative and it helped me so much to give better readings. her advise is so simple and makes so much sense, but something about the way she comes across, it really stuck in your brain. She is an awesome teacher.

  14. Peggy

    I have to say I was disappointed. I was hoping to learn about tarot cards, as I have a deck and wanted to use that. While I appreciate the helpful information of looking at the pictures and letting them speak to you, the symbols/pictures on tarot cards are more difficult to interpret than the simplistic decks Sonya was referring to. At least I didn’t pay full price for this, because I really would have felt cheated.

  15. Yudian Ryall

    Trust Sonia
    Sonia is a great teacher. This course gives you detailed information on how to to read the cards. What is important to me is that I feel I can trust the information she gives you. Yudian

  16. marie jackson

    these cards are lovely and the art work is compelling. sonia’s simple subject matter is all that appears on the card, prompting inward exploration and intuitive guidance to surface. i’ve used the cards a few times with friends and my confidence is building in allowing my higher self to speak through the cards. thanks so much.

  17. Tania Mars

    Card Decks for Beginners
    Although I have worked with cards for some time, after reading one of Sonias books I decided to treat myself and check out someone else’s knowledge on the cards. I found the course informative and learnt a few good new tips that I will be putting into practice. If this course calls to you just jump in and give it a go, good advice never goes astray.

  18. Michael McVeigh

    Card Decks for Beginners
    Sonia Choquettes How to Read Basic Card Decks is an online course available from her website. The course consists of 2 videos and a pdf. The videos show Sonia sitting in front of a fireplace in a living room, and she speaks directly to you. This has the effect of creating an informal, friendly atmosphere. The first video is an introduction and covers what an oracle (card deck) is, how to choose your oracle, how to make the oracle your own, and even a way to shuffle an oracle. Sonia makes several critical observations on interpreting oracles that have general applicability beyond card decks. One example is the idea that oracles do not predict, they forecast and describe options. The second video builds on the first and covers more specifics such as whether to shuffle the deck after each question or not. Sonia then gives a sample 1 card reading, and you get to see her approach from the shuffle to the interpretation, and then the expansion into a 3 card reading. The 15 page pdf contains directions for specialized readings, such as rebalancing your feminine and/or masculine sides, dispute resolution and much more. Sonias teachings are very practical, and I learned more things from her about the nuts and bolts of intuitive work than any other source I have consulted. I prefer Sonias term for card decks, oracle because I think her advice would work with any divination system and even dream work. I think anyone approaching an oracle would benefit from this course, not just beginners.

  19. Maurice Ottey

    Card Decks For Beginners Online Course
    I am not a professional reader, nor do I read for others, only for myself. My clarity, accuracy is much better when I align myself with the teachings in this course. Thank You Sonia

  20. Ann Robbins

    I learned so much from this course! I was lucky and received a mini-card read from Sonia. She was spot-on! One thing that I’ve done is when fanning the cards, I’ll feel energy in an area. Due to an injury, I have a lot of trouble finding one card that has the most energy. So, I’ll pick up an area of cards and fan them out. This is a smaller group and I can pick a card more easily.

  21. Nisreen

    Card Decks for Beginners
    My first introduction to intuitive guidance was from reading Sonia’s book “Ask Your Guides”. In this book, Sonia mentions the oracle cards and how they can be a useful tool. I went ahead and acquired my first oracle deck and with the help of Sonia’s online course “Card Decks for Beginners” , I became hooked! She really expresses the joy and benefits of using the oracle cards and how they are the voice to our intuition. Sonia is right…they do work! Take the online course,trust your intuition and have fun! Nisreen

  22. Denise

    Helpful course
    I just recently stumbled upon oracle cards and so I am totally new at doing readings for myself. This course was very helpful in giving specific instructions about shuffling and fanning the cards. I also loved the 15 page book that goes along with it, as it gives more options for different kinds of readings. If you are new to cards, I think this a good online course to take because it not only demystifies the cards, but also has helped me trust myself and the messages in the cards.

  23. Star Ragan

    For a “real” beginner this would be great. The first part of the lesson I was wondering when it would start. The second lesson got into learning about the tarot. Also I am waiting for my guide to be introduced to me.

  24. Robin

    This is indeed a VERY basic course. I was a bit surprised at how basic. I was hoping for a bit more from this course. I value Sonya’s instruction, for the price, this is not worth it. EVERYTHING else I’ve gotten from her has been so far though.

  25. Raymond

    I was very disappointed with the Card Decks for Beginners course. After being very happy with the Ask your Guides course I was eager to look at another one of your courses. I found part one of the course very focused on marketing Sonias card decks without any real information of value, part two only had 2-3 tips which I found of value. I found the workbook difficult to understand and put into practice with only 2 spreads I was able to make use of. Sonia, I love your work and I have to be honest and say that the saving grace was your one card reading I received today. The message so resonated with where I am now in my life, I am grateful for your insight and will take action on your advice thank you

  26. Mary Anne Threet

    I ordered the Card Decks course to see if I could enhance the reading I do for myself. I’ve been using cards for less than a year by using the directions provided within the boxes. I’ve been shocked by how “right on” the messages have been but wondered what more I might learn. The first tip I tried was fanning the cards and creating energy in my hands before scanning them over the fanned deck. I was amazed to see that I did indeed feel in my hands when to pick up a card. I got two cards that were recurring for me and again so right on (as well as the 3rd new card). I’m eager to try other strategies from the pdf too. I love Sonia’s books and cards and love even more seeing her speak in the video courses because her light and energy really show. What a delightful woman and a valuable resource for amateur healers.

  27. Barbara Flaherty

    How to read oracle cards
    Even though I have been reading oracle cards professionally for over a year I decided to take this course. There is always something new to learn so I wanted to hear what Sonia had to say. I was not disappointed. I learned some new tips that will help me become a more effective card reader.

  28. Brenda

    Learning to Use the Cards
    This course is both fun and informative. Sonia makes it easy to understand what the cards can and cannot do. She explains how to choose a deck, and how to use it. I really am excited about using this information in my own life.

  29. Lisa Roe

    Card deck for beginners
    Thank you for sharing your insights. I found this information very helpful. I have work had a relationship with the I Ching for many years and I look forward to establishing a deep relationship to the Oracle Cards

  30. Denise

    A creative approach
    I appreciate this approach which encourages me to have dialogue with the cards, communicate with their many possible meanings and see my options. Then, I can make my choices and elaborate my own language. Seeking guidance and taking responsibility for my life: helpful, creative, empowering.

  31. Anonymous

    So precious !
    This online course is so precious ! I learned reading cards by myself many years ago. Receiving this Sonia’s teaching really improves my practice. Her approach to the oracles speaks to my heart. With sincerity and simplicity, Sonia proposes us an ethics, improves our understanding and learns us to fully appreciate and be present to this sacred moment. I feel my desk cards, now, and my readings become so clear ! I recommend you this course, it is a treasure, an exceptional ressource for guidance.

  32. Patricia

    Card Decks for Beginners
    The videos are well done, distilling the essence of working with oracle cards down to an easily understandable conversation. The first question I asked was answered so appropirately I laughed out loud. I am really looking forward to continuing to work with the cards, as it makes my conversations with Guides so much more focused and clear.

  33. bury christine

    card decks for beginners
    A very interresting course, however, I was expecting a deeper content.

  34. Edie Dul

    Card Decks For Beginners
    I was so excited to enroll in this online course but was so disappointed that I could not watch the videos from my home. We live at a very remote fishing lodge in the Northwest Territories, Canada so we are connected to the internet through Satellite. The speed is so slow at downloading that I can only hear one or two words between pauses of a number of seconds. Hopefully in January I will be travelling into Yellowknife and will be able to download the videos at that time. I’m sure the course will be great when I get to go into it.

  35. Augusta

    ‘An Image is a Thousand Words’ (S.Ch.)
    Having worked with oracle cards for years I am delighted to have purchased this course. What I love most is how Sonia conveys the essence of working with any oracle: A relationship with a ‘sacred’ and ‘intimate friend’ for a ‘most authentic inquiry’. She calls it ‘Divine Skype’ 🙂 Her strong emphasis on the reading as a dialogue from deep within the heart-space empowers the reader/seeker to drop intellectual interpretation and the outdated understanding of prediction. I have watched the course twice and it will not be my last time. It truly connects me to feeling my own vibration and trust in what wants to come forth through the image and from deep within myself during my readings. Sonia shows how to handle the cards, the significance of shuffling, different ways of drawing, and gives examples of interpretations. The textbook outlines very original spreads, some even interactive, to be used in a group, including children 🙂 ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ … i just love this, Sonia! Thank you x0x

  36. L. Avendon

    Valuable and Empowering
    This is a basic but thorough course. The process of reading oracle cards is simple, yet the subtleties and insights Sonia offers are often overlooked. I recommend the course to total beginners, and those wishing to gain confidence. I’d love to take an advanced course with Sonia, with a certification option.

  37. Tatiana Rivero

    I think it is a good step in the right direction. To me it puts into perspective what cards are really meant to be: “a conversation”. The way Sonia talks about it is brilliant. Consulting an oracle is a lot like having a deep, spiritual conversation.

  38. Margaret

    Allow for profound discoveries with this course…
    This is wonderful and helpful information for both beginner and intermediate. Follow Sonia’s advice and instruction, and you will quickly learn to connect to the divine source through your heart, develop a rapport with the cards and experience profound changes in your life. Sonia keeps it simple and straightforward. She also shows the student how to expand on their readings. Very helpful.

  39. Kat

    Excellent Guidance Tool
    This mini-class is an excellant guidance tool whether you are just starting to work with an oracle or if you have been using one for years. There is nothing like a foundation tool to always bring out something new. I love my new oracle cards from Sonia as well, The Fool’s Wisdom, and The Answer is Simple – I will use these every day to keep the guidance flowing. Thus far they have been so helpful and right on target. Thank you Sonia for sharing your gifts!

  40. anita chaudhuri

    A wonderful resource
    This latest course from Sonia is one of her best yet. Here she presents a unique and original guide to using card decks – as an oracle, a tool for greater self knowledge or as creative inspiration to help manifest your heart’s desires. There are gazillions of books out there about how to read tarot and other oracles. The problem is cards are a 3-dimensional, sensory medium. And that is why video is the perfect way to show us how to do readings. You get a lesson in different ways to shuffle and draw cards which you just couldn’t get from the printed page. However you do get a very useful PDF worksheet showing lots of new ideas for spreads that I hadn’t come across before, either in Sonia’s work or elsewhere. This is not a complicated course full of arcane card interpretations. Rather, Sonia offers a guide to oracle decks that comes straight from the heart. You will look at card decks in a whole different way after watching the videos, whether you’re a beginner or someone who’s been doing readings for years. All in all a wonderful resource.

  41. fatmata dabo

    I would highly recommend this course for all beginners and intermediate oracle and tarot reader. I will call myself intermediate and i found this course very valuable. I learned how to more listen and connect with my deck in ways that i never thought before. Highly recommended.

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